Disability Policy

Statement on Diversity

Our staff and students come in all shapes and sizes, have diverse backgrounds and possess a range of talents and abilities.

As an organisation that welcomes 9,500 students from 23 nations diversity is at the heart of what we do.

We can only meet the multiple expectations of our students by attracting and recruiting people from every section of the community. The variety of the programmes we offer demand that for their successful implementation we draw on the talents and abilities of all.

We’re fully committed to equal opportunities and consider applications solely on the basis of merit – regardless of age, gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.

Disability Statement:

Malvern House is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities, including those with learning difficulties, and/or known medical conditions are treated fairly and given equal access to all our services.

We will make all reasonable adjustments to ensure that learners with a disability learning difficulty or known medical condition are not substantially disadvantaged.

The organisation wishes to ensure that we comply with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 which includes the Disability Discrimination Act (as amended by the Special Educational Needs and Disability Equality Act of 2001 and the Duty to Promote Disability 2005).

What is a ‘Disability’?

The legal definition of a disability as detailed in The Equality Act 2010 [Government Equalities Office, Crown copyright 2010, July 2010] states:

“The protected characteristic of disability applies to a person who has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.”


  1. Who is the policy for?

This statement will be useful for any learner or potential learners who have disabilities, learning difficulties or known medical condition which impacts on their education.

This may include students who have a history of disability, Progressive illness, Visual impairment, Hearing impairment or are deaf, Disability affecting mobility, Known medical condition, Mental health difficulty, Specific learning difficulty, General Learning difficulty, Literacy difficulty

  1. How should students let MALVERN HOUSE know about their needs?

Students can talk to us at any time either in person at the school, by phone to our enquiry line (020 7520 0470), or by email to: [email protected]

To ensure appropriate support is provided there are many opportunities to disclose. During the admission process, all students will be asked to complete a registration form that asks whether they have a Learning Difficulty /Disability or Medical condition.

During ‘Induction’, students are again informed that the school is able to make all reasonable adjustments for students that have a Learning Difficulty /Disability or Medical condition, and, that they can discuss any need they may have confidentially with the School Principal at their convenience. In addition, they are advised that materials are available in ‘Large Print’ upon request, and, that the school has a ‘Hearing Loop’ should they require it.

Should a student disclose that they have an additional support need, they will be asked about the nature of their disability or learning difficulty and have an opportunity to discuss, in complete confidence, any particular needs they will have as a learner at Malvern House School. With the student’s permission, this information will be passed onto appropriate individuals on a ‘need to know’ basis.

Students may disclose at any time while at the School – although the sooner and the more information we receive the quicker support provision can be put into place.

Any disclosure of learning difficulty, disability or known medical condition will only be used to help us ensure that we make reasonable adjustments which are deemed appropriate.

  1. Who provides the support?

School Administrators, Activity Leaders/Social Programme Organiser, Course tutors, the Director of Study and the School Principal/Operations Manager, Host Families, etc. may be able to provide all the support students need as long as they let them know about the nature of their needs.

If a student needs additional support, we have also have a learning support  programme. Tutors here will work with students to assess if, and how, we can support them. They will arrange the more specialist support that we can provide.

  1. What support may be available?

Support varies depending on each individual’s needs but could include:

Interview with Learning Support tutors, Interview with the Director of Study and/or School Principal/Operations Manager, adapted learning materials, use of specialist equipment, loan of assistive technology equipment, access arrangements for examinations , learning/learner support assistance offered1‐1, in small groups or on‐course, additional tutorial support, referral/signposting to specialist support services offered by external providers,

  1. Technology and Equipment Available

(i) A mobile ‘Hearing Loop’ system is available from reception. This is to allow hearing-impaired students within the classroom environment.

(ii) Where applicable, we have ensured that our lifts a designed primarily for use by people with disabilities that affect their mobility.

(iii) Tape recorders and dictaphones are available to help students record lessons.

(iv) Photocopiers and scanners are available to produce all necessary documents in Large Print

It may be possible for MALVERN HOUSE to provide students with other, specific items of equipment; if not, we will help students identify, source and purchase these items at best value rates.

Examination Arrangements

If you students let us know about their specific requirements, we can liaise with examining/validating bodies on their behalf. We can, when appropriate and within the rules of each awarding body, arrange the following:-

(i) Computer facilities with Spell Checker can be made available for registered dyslexic students in a separate room during examinations.

(ii) Scribed or taped evidence towards examinations/assessments can be provided after negotiation with students, Examining Bodies and External Verifiers, where appropriate. Spoken examination questions can sometimes be arranged, with the appropriate examiner present. Additional time is granted at an appropriate rate dependent upon circumstances.

(iii) Separate rooms are provided when circumstances demand. Doctor‟s certification is required before this facility is granted due to invigilation requirements.