Our school in Kings Cross allows for great synergy between Malvern House London (MHL) and our sister brand Language in Action (LIA). The school welcomes international visitors from all over the world throughout the year and our fabulous sales team do a fantastic job of keeping the school filled with a great international mix – unlike many London schools that can be dominated by one nationality, Malvern House London is always internationally diverse.
This is great news for many of the international students studying with LIA during the summer at the University of London Garden Halls campus which is only a 10 minute walk away, because it means that those students who are 16+ and want to are able join our international classes for adults. Receiving additional students from LIA is great news for us at Malvern House London because we’re a big school and we like to have our classrooms full.
This summer was the best year ever for the partnership between MHL and LIA, and we were thrilled to receive over 550 extra students from them in the Kings Cross school this summer!
The close working partnership between the brands also allows us to lend or borrow teachers from each other if required and it’s always a great experience for teachers to work across both centres during the summer.