1.General statement
It is our policy to ensure that appropriate first aid arrangements are in place for our staff, students and any visitors to our premises. This includes providing sufficiently trained employees for our business needs and maintaining an adequate supply of first aid equipment. It also involves providing enough information to staff to enable first aid assistance to be sought during normal working hours. Where work is regularly undertaken outside these hours, then adequate first aid cover will be provided.
2.The legal position
Our duty to provide first aid at work is governed by the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. These require us to carry out a risk assessment in order to determine what first aid facilities and personnel are necessary to meet the needs of our business. We are also required to review this assessment periodically to ensure that current provision is adequate. In order to comply with these regulations, our assessment has considered a number of factors, including the following:
- size of the business
- type of business
- building layout
- proximity of business location to emergency medical services
- needs of travelling and/or lone workers
- first aid cover in times of sickness or annual leave.
3.Responsibilities of first aid personnel
In order to carry out their duties effectively, first aid personnel have the following duties and responsibilities. First aiders are responsible for:
- responding promptly to all requests for assistance
- summoning further help if necessary
- providing treatment within the limitations of their competence
- looking after the casualty until recovery has taken place or further medical assistance has arrived
- reporting details of any treatment provided
- undertaking a quarterly check of first aid kits and replenishing them as necessary.
The following are general first aid-related procedures to be followed by all staff:
- if you are aware that an employee, student or visitor has been taken ill, or has had an accident, call a first aider for assistance. You should not attempt to give first aid treatment yourself
- no employee should use their private car to transport a casualty to hospital. If an ambulance is not required, then a taxi is to be used
- if you need to access a first aid kit for personal use, seek assistance from a first-aider
- do not remove first aid equipment from its designated place
- any loss or damage to first aid equipment must be reported to the School Principal (usually via the school reception).
- if a first aid kit is poorly stocked, this should be reported to the School Principal (usually via the school reception).
5.Dealing with visitors
It is our policy to offer first aid assistance to visitors to our premises. Should a visitor feel unwell or have an accident, then the employee supervising their visit should call for a first aider/appointed person. If the visitor has had an accident, the first aider who responds is responsible for ensuring that an entry is made in the accident book/form.
6.Staff training
All staff undertaking first aid duties will be given training in accordance with current legal requirements. This means that a first aider will attend an approved Health & Safety Executive course. Our first aid needs assessment has determined that we need enough First Aid trained staff to cover the school with adequate staff cover for absences. Training is organised by Health and Safety Officer who also ensures that first aiders attend requalification courses every three years.
7.Information for employees
We acknowledge that first aid arrangements will only operate efficiently where they are understood, both by employees and others who may be working on our premises. These include part-time and temporary staff. For this reason, information on how to summon first aid is provided for all new staff. This and further information is also included in our staff handbook.
Information on the current first aiders is displayed on standard green and white signs within our premises. These can be found on notice-boards on each floor of the building and are available from the school reception.
First aid boxes can be found in the school office and the Health and Safety officer ensures that all staff know where these are located.