How do you use “used to” in a sentence and what does it mean? Find out here.
Video Transcript
Hello, welcome to Malvern House in Brighton and welcome to your one minute lesson. Today we are going to look at the grammar structure used to. But when do we use used to? Have a look at this example sentence “When he was younger he used to play football”. But what exactly does this mean? Well, used to is used when we talk about something we did in the past but we no longer do now. So, when he was younger he used to play football. Does he play football now? (no) Did he play football in the past (yes) and how many times did he play football? He played many times, we don’t know exactly how many but he played many, many times in the past. So how do you use used to in a sentence? In a positive sentence its subject plus used to plus infinitive, he used to play football. In a negative sentence its subject plus didn’t plus use to plus infinitive, he didn’t use to play football. But, spot the difference, in the negative sentence, there’s no ‘d’ on the end of use to. So, can you tell us what you used to do when you were younger? If you can, write in the comments below. Thank you very much for joining Malvern House, I hope you enjoyed your one minute lesson, goodbye. today
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